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Ukrainian Crisis Worsens, Jewish Communities Fears Deepen

Ukrainian Crisis Worsens, Jewish Communities Fears Deepen

For decades, Federations have upheld a commitment to help Jewish communities throughout the world. Nowhere is that commitment more apparent than in Ukraine, a country 350,000 Jews call home. In response to the recent crisis, Federations have raised nearly $5 million to help partners continue to provide vital aid to Ukrainian Jewish communities. At great risk to their personal safety, the staff and volunteer networks of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and the Jewish Agency for Israel are working tirelessly to deliver lifesaving food, water and medicine; to support and comfort to thousands of displaced people; and to sustain residents’ and refugees’  connections to Jewish life. Thanks to funding from North American Jewish Federations, the JDC is able to run an elderly institutional facility - the only facility in the region with 24 -hour medical care - where Jews and others receive life-saving assistance. Unlike others in the area, this facility turns away no one; its mission is to preserve the dignity of these people who have lived such difficult lives.


"The most important thing I learned in Ukraine", Infographic on the Ukrainian Crisis, Message from the mission chair, Fred Zimmerman


Six months after the deadly attack on a kosher market in Paris, the Jewish community reflects and looks forward. The head of a banned Islamic French group is sentenced to jail on terrorism charges after authorities found a list of Jewish targets in his files.


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