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#IamJewishATL Community Study

What should Jewish Atlanta look like in the next decade? How can it serve you better? What programs would be meaningful to you and your family? Your answers will have real impact when you take the #IamJewishATL community survey. It’s a broad market research study open to anyone in Metro Atlanta who identifies as Jewish (age 15+), or who lives in a Jewish household. The more who take the survey, the better the results will be. More than 100 Jewish schools, synagogues, agencies and organizations are partners in #IamJewishATL, and the results will be shared as a community planning tool. The goal is to put programs and services in place that are truly relevant to you. Unlike previous studies conducted by phone, #IamJewishATL can be taken online or on your smart phone: Text JEWISHATL to 41411. Anyone who completes the survey is entered to win a $500 Visa gift card, or one of two $250 Visa gift cards.

The survey wants to know what you are looking for, whether it’s Jewish activities for your children, help for aging parents, Jewish daycare, or social opportunities with your age group. It also probes to understand barriers to participation - how far would you travel, how much would you pay for a service, what has kept you from getting involved?

Hurry! This is your once-in-a-decade chance to give the kind of feedback that will truly have an impact on the quality of Jewish life in Atlanta. Spread the word among friends and family. Survey closes on June 30.


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