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Just say yes!

It has been my privilege and honor to serve as Women’s Philanthropy President this year and I want to thank the women of the Atlanta Jewish community and Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta for giving me this opportunity. Over the past three years I have had the good fortune to work with Joanne Birnbrey, Beth Arogeti and Stephanie Abes on the campaign. Each of these women has brought grace, wisdom and so much passion to the work of raising money on behalf of our people. My life has been enriched by them and I cherish our new friendships. I have also had the honor of working with and learning from Elaine Gruenhut, Karen Paz, Hannah Gutterman and Elizabeth Goldberg. Our Federation professionals are the finest anywhere and I have learned so much from each of you about diplomacy and process. Thank you all for the time and effort you put into your work on behalf of our people.

Three years ago I was taken by surprise by being asked to serve as campaign co-chair. Saying yes was truly the wisest decision I could have ever made. I have met countless women from across our community and across the country who inspire me with their vision for improving life for Jews at home and around the world. The work we do is vital – we save lives and we improve the quality of lives. We make a difference and make the world a little better.

But the real reward has come from the women I’ve met here in Atlanta. I’ve made friends across generations who all share the common bond of being Jewish women in our vibrant city. We come from different backgrounds – young, old, native, immigrant, transplant, married, single, divorced, widowed, mothers, sisters, grandmothers, daughters and friends. Together we weave the tapestry of our lives, working to make the Atlanta Jewish Community one of the most vibrant, growing and exciting places to live. Women’s Philanthropy continues to set the bar. We raise a third of the entire community campaign and we have the finest programs and opportunities for engagement. We not only set the path but we set the pace for giving. We influence the men in our lives. We bring heart and caring to the decisions we make and we teach our children to do the same.

This is an exciting time in the history of our Federation. We have new leadership that is committed to being relevant. We are open to making changes in the way we operate so that we touch more lives. So I encourage each and every one of you to get involved! Whether it is to chair an event, or make a solicitation call, or just come to a program, JUST SAY YES! I can guarantee that you will be glad you did!


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