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Atlanta Jewish Teen Foundation 

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: When will the Atlanta Jewish Teen Foundation meet?

A: Monday evenings at 7 p.m., September of 2015 – March of 2016.

Q: Where will meetings be held?

A: Meetings will be at The Weber School

Q: Who can apply?

A: Jewish high school sophomores and juniors from the Greater Atlanta Area

Q: How much will it cost?

A: Each participant will be required to either donate or raise $250 for the Foundation.

Q: Will participating help me get into college?

A: The Atlanta Jewish Teen Foundation will look great on your college application! We will gladly sign Community Service forms from your school or service club.

Q: How does it work?

A: Under the teaching and guidance of Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta and local Jewish philanthropists and teachers, each cohort of teens learns the principles of tikkun olam and tzedakah, as well as the essential steps required to make informed philanthropic decisions. The group identifies areas of interest and issues a request for proposals. Following actual site visits, the debate over how best to allocate the group’s money begins!

The result is weeks of intelligent thought and planning, as well as emotional explorations of needs far beyond each participant’s own world. You will learn more about caring and selflessness, and you donate real dollars to one or more carefully researched charities or programs within your local, national, and international communities.