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Professional Advisory Council (PAC)



The Professional Advisory Council (PAC) is an integral part of the Planned Giving & Endowment division of Federation. Comprised of accountants, financial planners, insurance professionals, lawyers, wealth managers, and other estate planning professionals, the council exists to benefit Federation, financial professionals, and the greater Atlanta Jewish community. PAC Members enjoy opportunities to expand their professional knowledge and skills through education and networking. As a service to the professional community, PAC presents several seminars offering continuing education credits, as well as opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals while giving back to the community.




  1. Educate professionals from a variety of disciplines about planned giving opportunities for clients and to provide a forum for networking.
  2. Encourage professionals to promote the concept of planned giving and to educate potential donors about the benefits of giving back to the community.
  3. Enhance advisors’ skills through seminars featuring nationally and locally recognized planned giving, estate planning, and financial experts.




Membership in PAC is open to professionals in good standing engaged in the field of estate planning as an attorney, accountant, financial advisor, private banker, insurance professional, trust officer, or planned giving professional employed by or consulting with a Section 501(c)(3) charity.


For more information or if you are interested in getting involved with PAC, please contact: Itai Tsur, at or 404.870.1608.