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Gifts that Are Popular in Our Community 


Did you know there are ways to support the Jewish Community that don't affect your current lifestyle or your family's financial security?


You can support Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta with gifts that don't impact the way you live. You can designate the Federation to receive estate assets in the future, or you can make immediate gifts of assets that are "out of sight and out of mind."


These are "Gifts that Are Popular in Our Community" because anyone, regardless of age, wealth, or affiliation, can make them today without impacting the future.


Popular Giving Arrangements


  • Gifts From Your Will or Trust
    Need to preserve your assets during your lifetime? You can plan a gift that will only take effect after your other obligations have been met. 

    Your will is an important element in your estate plan that enables you to protect the people you love, create a lasting partnership with the charities that you care about, and help ensure the future of the Jewish community. You can create a permanent legacy by leaving a bequest of a specific amount of cash, a percentage of your estate or the remainder of your estate. There's no limit on the amount you may set aside from your estate – you can make a gift as large or small as you'd like. A charitable bequest allows you to retain use and control over your assets during your lifetime. 

    bequest is a legacy gift, distributed from your estate after the end of your life. If not designated, it can be spent in the year that it matures. An endowment is a fund that is held in perpetuity, distributing a specified percentage annually to the designated purpose. 

    A bequest can be added to your new or existing will through a simple codicil that states your intention, and can be a percentage or fixed amount of your estate. Click here to download sample bequest language, which you can use when meeting with your attorney to update your will.


  • Gifts from a Retirement Plan
    Give us assets subject to double taxation, then leave more to your family. 

    If you have accumulated substantial amounts in your retirement account and you are in the highest brackets for paying income and estate taxes, those taxes can exceed 70% of the amount in the plan. These are not ideal assets to bequeath to your heirs. Naming one or more charities as the after-death beneficiaries of your IRA or pension fund (by designating specific amounts or percentages) can save these taxes while supporting the causes closest to your heart. With a quick update of your beneficiary designation form, you can direct funds to the Jewish Federation. Changing your beneficiary form often takes less than 5 minutes!


  • Gifts of Stock and Appreciated Assets
    Want to take advantage of appreciated securities without incurring capital gains tax? 

    When you create a legacy with a current gift of cash or other property, your fund may be used to pay an annual gift to Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta. If you donate appreciated securities held for more than one year, you can avoid capital gains taxes and receive a tax receipt for the full value of your gift in the current year.


  • Gifts of Life Insurance
    You don't need a large estate to make a significant gift to us. Life insurance is an advantageous and inexpensive way to create a legacy. When you purchase a new policy naming Federation as owner and beneficiary, you will receive a tax receipt for the full value of the annual premium payments. The death benefit will be used to create a permanent endowment for the Federation. 

    You could also transfer an existing policy and name the Federation as owner and beneficiary. At the time of transfer you are entitled to a current deduction equal to the net cash value of the policy. All future premium payments, when paid, would be a current tax deduction. The reasonable cost and tax benefit make life insurance a particularly appealing approach for some donors.