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Leaving Your Legacy: Lion of Judah Endowment


Your gift to the Annual Community Campaign does a world of good. Endowing your Lion of Judah gift allows you to support the Jewish Community forever.

Join a cadre of exceptional women philanthropists whose acts of kindness and tzedakah will continue to make the world a better place.


You can reinforce your connection to future generations of women and provide a sound financial base upon which our community can build by endowing your Lion of Judah level Community Campaign gift to the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta. By doing this, you are creating a lasting legacy to benefit tomorrow’s Jewish Atlanta.


The Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE)*: Establishing a Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) allows a woman to endow her annual gift in perpetuity. Through simple, innovative steps, a LOJE is within the reach of any Lion of Judah woman, regardless of age or giving level.


Contact us to see what benefits could await you.


*A woman may establish a LOJE fund at a minimum of $108,000, which will perpetuate her Lion of Judah gift to the Community Campaign beyond her lifetime.


Neither the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta nor the Create a Jewish Legacy participating organizations are engaged in rendering legal or tax advisory services. Individuals considering gifts should obtain the services of a professional advisor.