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Federation's Young Leadership Council (YLC) is dedicated to building a connected community of young Jews to promote Jewish identity, and to support Jewish community through fun and meaningful volunteer, networking, social, educational and philanthropic activities.

​YLC welcomes adults up to age 40, who are single or married, with or without kids.

There is truly something for everyone with YLC.

Questions? Ask us



Upcoming Events:






Volunteer Opportunities


Super Sunday: Each December, hundreds of volunteers are needed to make calls to donors that have not made their Community Campaign pledge. Training is available. Questions? Email us.


Young Family Events: Volunteers are needed for the planning of these events and for being on the host committee, as well as day-of for projects, games, etc. Geared toward families with young children (age 7 and under). Questions? Email us.


Social Action Events: These opportunities are a great way to aid our affiliates and other community partners with your time and talent while learning about the broad impact of Federation and our Campaign dollars. Questions? Email us.


Social Outreach Events: Volunteers are needed for the host and planning committees. In the past, groups have organized cocktail parties, casino nights, field days, and much more. Questions? Email us.


Mini Missions: These hands-on opportunities are for small groups to learn more deeply about the impact of Federation. Volunteers are needed for the planning committee. Questions? Email us.


Professional Enrichments Events: Volunteers are needed for the planning and host committees for networking and/or continuing education events, and are a great way to network while you give back. Examples include: The Balser Symposium, Accountants Breakfast, and The Exchange. Questions? Email us.