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Happy Reading - PJ Library from a Mother's perspective

by Jennifer Tetrick, PJ Library Chair

Recently, I have been thinking a lot about charitable giving and how and why we decide which causes to support. With so many needs in our community, why do we each choose the organizations or causes we give our time and money? Is it because we have a passion for a particular cause, it resonates with where our life is currently, or we see the impact an organization can make in a community?

As the mother of a three year old, creating a foundation for her Jewish identity and ensuring the continuity of that identity is extremely important to my husband, David and me. As PJ Library parents, we know first-hand what an incredible resource PJ Library books and programming are to educate our daughter about Jewish values, traditions and customs.

In the last 8 years PJ Library has touched over 6,000 households and over 7,500 children. In the last year alone we’ve partnered with 37 unique organizations to create memorable and influential events for young families. 34% of PJ Library families participate more in lighting Shabbat candles at home since enrolling in the program and 83% of families feel they have learned significantly or somewhat more about Jewish culture, holidays and heritage since enrolling in PJ Library.

One of my favorite testimonials is from Jaime from Snellville, GA who wrote to thank us for allowing her family to be part of PJ Library. After receiving books about Purim, including “The-Better-Than-Best-Purim”, her “kids were so intrigued by the books that they not only learned the Esther story by heart but we also used the recipe from [“The-Better-Than-Best-Purim”] to make our first hamantaschen. That would never have happened if we had not received the books. You've now inspired two mezuzahs and a batch of hamantaschen. What's next?”

For our families that live in areas where the Jewish population and resources are sparse, PJ Library may be one of or the only Jewish resource they have available. Jonathan from Lilburn, GA tells that his “kids have brought some of the titles to school to share with their class or read aloud near certain Jewish holidays. Their teachers have appreciated them as a resource for exposing the students to more information on Jewish holidays through these great books [and] stories.”

We feel so fortunate that our family is able to receive this monthly gift. We want to ensure that other families in Atlanta can, too. It is for this reason, and the important and meaningful impact PJ makes in our community, that we have chosen to pay it forward and support PJ Library. It is so easy to make an impact through PJ Library: pay it forward; sign up a child; follow us on Facebook or Pinterest. Join PJ Library in shaping the next generation’s Jewish identity.

Happy Reading,

Jennifer Tetrick,

PJ Library Chair


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