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It's All About Relationships

by Michael Horowitz, JFGA CEO/President

It’s all about the Relationships

Every year Webster’s dictionary adds new words – this year the words included hashtag, selfie and crowdfunding. These words are all results of the rise of social media, where people look for a connection to others. We are all looking for a link, but are those made over the internet as meaningful and long lasting as just picking up the phone? When did email replace the good old fashioned handwritten letter or a text instead of a personal call? If I tag you on Facebook, does that mean I care? If I comment on Instagram do I really know what is going on in your life? Everyone’s life is extremely busy- work, children, parents, spouses, volunteering, the list goes on and on. We want to keep in touch with our friends and family, but sometimes the easiest way is to “Like” on Facebook or send a text.

What about the word “relationship”. A re·la·tion·ship is the way in which two or more people, groups, countries, etc. talk to, behave toward, and deal with each other; a romantic or sexual friendship between two people or the way in which two or more people or things are connected. I am fortunate enough that in my job I am charged with making relationships. I spend a large percentage of my time meeting people, finding out what they want to do and what makes them happy. I have the luxury to spend an hour with someone who just moved to town and learn their story, or sit with a native and hear about their childhood.

“Why?” you ask. My response is simple. Here at Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta we believe in relationships. Good old fashioned personal relationships. We know that meeting people, where they are, is the first step to building that bond. The next part is listening. I am looking to engage people not only in our organization but with our greater Atlanta Jewish community. The only way to accomplish this is to truly understand how people are feeling and what they want. Yes it is true that we could fit a volunteer into a committee, but when you are doing something you are passionate about the experience takes on a whole new meaning. Both the person and the ultimate product are far richer for the experience.

There are so many volunteer opportunities at Federation and I cannot begin to list them all here. You can bring your current talents or engage a new passion. We have hands-on opportunities through our Women & Philanthropy division’s TOV (Tikkun Olam volunteers); you can assist by raising funds for our Community Campaign by joining us on Super Sunday on December 7; you can take part in how our community funds are distributed by joining an outcomes committee; or make a difference across the ocean by joining our Israel or FSU (Former Soviet Union) committees. If it’s education or leadership development you crave, you have come to right place – we offer numerous programs including LEADS (Leadership Education and Development Series), ELP (Emerging Leadership Project), or JLI (Jacobson Leadership Institute) just to name a few. We are constantly looking at the needs of the community through our many and diverse task forces. Whatever your niche may be in our Jewish community, we have an opportunity for you.

“How?” you say do I get involved. How do we create this relationship? The answer is simple, just call. Federation has many professionals just waiting to meet you. Whether you are new to the city or lived here a lifetime, we want to hear your story. We want to meet you. Give me a call at 404.870.1625 and let’s start a relationship, let’s start a connection. I am waiting to meet you.


Shabbat Shalom,

Stephanie Wyatt

VP of Engagement & Leadership Development

Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta


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