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Reflections Blog

And We Came Together

Michael Horowitz, JFGA President/CEO

And we came together. When events in Paris required the world to come together to stand up for civility and oppose radical Islam’s insane, perverted and grotesque interpretation of their religion, an unprecedented group of world leaders and people of …

The Role of a Leader

Stephanie Wyatt, VP of Engagement and Leadership Development, JFGA

The role of a leader is to inspire and motivate others to accomplish a goal or set of goals. How does one become a leader and how do leaders hone their skills? There are many different ways. At Federation we have an entire r…

A New Year Message from Michael Horowitz

By Michael Horowitz, JFGA President/CEO

Happy New Year!  I hope your celebration was exciting and that your favorite team won the football game.  I also hope that the resolutions you made last year were fulfilled and that 2014 brought satisfaction to you, success for your family, many gre…

Happy New Year!

By Allen Soden, JFGA Volunteer

As the year comes to a close, I have had the chance to reflect on my recent volunteer work with our Federation. This year, I have been helping the community raise much needed funds by meeting with and talking to people about all the wonderful things that the J…

A Chanukah Message

By Michael Horowitz, JFGA President/CEO

Chanukah is not a holiday with roots in the Torah. It is not a holiday that requires sacrifice or a change in the rituals of daily life. Rather, it is a holiday of celebration. Contrary to the belief of many, it is also not a holiday invented by Jews …