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The Atlanta Trip

The Atlanta Community Birthright Trip


The Atlanta Community trip is a 10-day Israel experience comprised of local young professionals, ages 22-26. For over 7 years, Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta has been sending Atlanta based community Birthright buses. Each year we raise funds to send 120 young professionals from the Atlanta area on three trips, one in the summer and two in the winter. Traveling in groups of 40, these individuals create strong friendships and enhance their own Jewish identity. The Atlanta Community trip is provided through the organizer, Israel Outdoors, the largest Birthright provider.


"Birthright is a once in a lifetime opportunity. It has had the biggest impact on my life. It’s bigger than any one person, and it affects people differently; some want to go back and fight, and some want to make their community here better. It's an honor to be a part of the Atlanta Jewish Community!" –Scott, summer 2010 participant, Atlanta community trip