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I just wanted to say thank you again. When the big blue and white envelopes arrive in the mailbox, the kids get so excited. We wait until both arrive and then wait for a special night when we can open them together. They each comment on the other’s books and we usually end up reading them regularly for the next week. And the PJ Library books remain favorites for years to come. The holiday books get tucked away at the end of the season and brought out fresh the following year. But there are so many that just teach great values in general and these are part of our regular bookshelf of favorite books. Thank you again! We love the PJ Library! - Debbie Bethea


PJ Library in Atlanta is proud to partner with the following organizations to bring engaging family programs and parenting workshops to our local PJ Library families. 

If you are interested in partnering with PJ Library, contact the PJ Library Associate at