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Impact Stories: Ensuring the Jewish Future

After College


Stephanie is like many 20-somethings in Atlanta. She is starting her career, enjoying time with friends, and exploring who she wants to become.

When Stephanie was 10 months old her mother passed away in a car accident; her father raised her in his faith – Methodist. At church, she always felt out of place. Spiritually, she was lost.

During college, she spent a lot of time with her maternal grandmother, asking questions and learning about Judaism – the holidays, the culture, and the religion. She discovered that Judaism allowed her to ask questions and have some doubt… and still be accepted.

This past January, Stephanie joined 39 other young adults from Atlanta on a community bus your Federation provided as part of the Taglit-Birthright Israel program.


“Because of this trip, I am more committed to Judaism than I have ever been. I have committed myself to the Jewish community and faith – to continue in the steps of my grandmother, great-grandmother, and those before them to raise my children Jewish. I want to be the best person I can be – to be a better daughter, sister, cousin and friend. Israel became my second home, and I will always love and defend it and its people… mishpacha.”


Jewish Identity


We hear the phrase a lot, but what is it really all about? It’s about providing Jewish children with a strong foundation in our heritage, faith and culture so they will want to live Jewish lives and take care of the next generation. It’s about ensuring our future as a people.

That’s why Jewish education is so important. Take Joshua: He’s 3 years old. He attends Jewish preschool. He receives PJ Library books in the mail. He taught his grandfather how to count to 10 in Hebrew. He loves being Jewish. Thanks to programs we make available to Joshua through his teen and young adult years, this connection will continue to be nurtured.


“It’s such a joy to see his face light up when he’s telling us about his day in school and what he learned. We love knowing he’s in a warm, caring environment and learning about Judaism.”

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