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  • Ensuring the Jewish Future

    We hear the phrase a lot, but what is it really all about? It’s about providing Jewish children with a strong foundation in our heritage, faith and culture so they will want to live Jewish lives and take care of the next generation. It’s about ensuring our future as a people.

  • Caring for Jews in Need

    Tamara Lipen and Inessa Carlin are sisters. Inessa is homebound. They have no family left to care for her - rather like many families from this region of the world, the Former Soviet Union, they were victims of the Holocaust.

  • Strengthening Jewish Community

    Federation understands the need to grow Jewish experiences. This includes summer camp, particularly for those families with children who have never attended a summer camp and those who work hard to make ends meet.

  • Supporting Global Jewry

    Imagine a friend gives you a necklace for your 25th birthday. It’s lovely. It has a cross on it. You wear it to your grandmother’s house and she yells at you for having a cross. You innocently ask what the problem is. This is exactly how Natalia learned about her Jewish heritage.