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Impact Stories: Strengthening Jewish Community

Looking Ahead


In order to provide for every Jew, every day, in every way, your Federation has created various task forces to examine the imminent needs of our community. The needs are priorities for us as we plan for the future. We are currently focusing our task forces on the following areas:


  • Jewish Overnight Summer Camp
  • Needs of the Disabled
  • Financial Independence
  • Needs of the Aging
  • Religious Diversity in Israel
  • Israel Experiences
  • Supplementary Jewish Education


“Federation is uniquely situated to bring together those who understand the need to grow Jewish summer camp experiences, particularly for those families with children who have never attended a summer camp and those who work hard to make ends meet. We need a unified effort to educate our community about the value of Jewish overnight camp and create scholarships for deserving children to spend part of their summers developing their spiritual, intellectual and physical well-being in a Jewish environment. Our Greater Atlanta Jewish Community is blessed with human and economic capital that needs to be nurtured and invested wisely. Summer Jewish camp experiences significantly impact our children and grandchildren. Through our work on the task force, we learned that regrettably, only 8% of ageeligible metro Atlanta children attend Jewish overnight camps.”
– Joel Arogeti, Jewish Overnight Camp Task Force Co-Chair


Something New


Supporting the development of new Jewish organizations in our community is just another way your Federation looks to the future and ensure the needs of all in our community are being met.

Thanks to Federation’s Innovation Grant, PunkTorah, which is an online community helping people who have fallen through the cracks of Jewish life, was able to expand its online interactivity. Monday through Friday from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., a concierge chats with people on the website, answering questions about Judaism, Jewish practice, and how to get involved in their local Jewish communities. Additionally, the grant allowed PunkTorah to engage new audiences and create deeper connections with current constituents.


“Our organization believes in the value of reaching people who are isolated from Jewish life, and we are thrilled to be able to expand and launch new programs which will help isolated Jews around the world to have community, continuity and comfort.”
– Patrick Aleph, Founder of PunkTorah

  • Making an Impact in Israel

    Karen Klein found a deeper connection to Israel through the Federation-supported program Masa Israel Journey. Learn how it made a difference in her Jewish life.