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Women's Philanthropy Mission to Israel

Federation has just concluded its first-ever Women’s Philanthropy Mission created for and by women. From boutique wineries to fashion studios, from Women of the Wall to women of the Knesset, the mission’s 35 participants experienced Israel through an array of intimate encounters and explored the “Faces of Israel”.

In one memorable interaction, the Women’s Mission traveled to Federation’s partnership region of Yokneam-Megiddo to meet a very special kindergarten called Gan Tamar. Gan Tamar, located in the beautiful and sun-drenched hills of Yokneam, serves 28 students in one class. Walk into the room and one of the first unique aspects is a board with pictures and names of their Kesher pre-K class, “The Monkeys,” from The Epstein School. Kesher means communication, and here at Federation, this is all about relationships. No matter where Jews live, we Jews are connected, which is a defining feature of our people. Despite language barriers, different time zones, and the Atlantic Ocean, Gan Tamar’s lead teacher, Miri, and The Monkey’s lead teacher, Stephanie, organize joint projects throughout the year around Jewish holidays, art, and their Jewish lives at home. As a result, they foster meaningful connections between their students and communities.

In the above photograph, the Yokneam Mayor Simon Alfasi greets the Women’s Philanthropy Mission and shows them how Federation’s grants enabled Gan Tamar to plant a Kesher garden. In Hebrew, tamar means date, so it’s appropriate they planted a date tree in honor of their partnership. Federation’s commitment to Kesher and providing much-needed resources to connect local Atlantans with Israelis from Yokneam-Megiddo is just one incredible initiative changing lives for the better in Israel and in Atlanta and securing a bright, inter-connected Jewish future. 


From left to right: Women’s Philanthropy Mission co-chair Barbara Horowitz, Yokneam Mayor Simon Alfasi, 

Women’s Philanthropy Mission co-chair Elana Satisky, and Gan Tamar Lead Teacher Miri Abu.


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