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I just wanted to personally thank you for making PJ Library available in the Atlanta area. I have two little girls, ages 5 and 3, who absolutely LOVE the books we receive. One of our favorites, "The Shema in the Mezuzah" inspired my five year old to create her own mezuzah for our home. Other great titles such as "Cakes and Miracles" have given me the opportunity to discuss the importance of faith, God, and kindness with my kids on their level. Such a blessing. Thank you again for the opportunity for our family to be part of such a wonderful program. - Jaime Winfree


Created and supported by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, PJ Library is funded nationally in partnership with local philanthropists and organizations. Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta launched PJ Library in Atlanta in 2007. Today, we provide books to more than 2,500 local Jewish children each month.


PJ Library engages Jewish families with young children to create stronger Jewish homes - homes that foster children’s curiosity about their Jewish heritage and help families explore their Jewish identity. Participating families receive a high-quality Jewish children’s book or CD sent to their home every month accompanied by a reading guide. Regardless of your level of observance or affiliation, the stories and songs are sure to enrich your entire family’s Jewish journey. To find out more, visit the PJ Library FAQ page.




Eligible families must live within a 50 miles radius of the metro Atlanta area and have a child between the ages of 6 months and 8 years.

PJ Library in Atlanta supports a finite number of subscriptions and currently has a waitlist as it searches for additional funding. As that funding becomes available, children will be moved from the waitlist to the active list on a first-come, first-served basis.


While families are on the wait list they receive our monthly eNewsletter with information on family events happening throughout the Metro Atlanta area. These events are open to all and are a great way to connect with other families. For questions please email

If you have children or grandchildren living outside the Greater Atlanta area and would like to enroll those children, please click here to find a list of participating communities. PJ Library is offered in over 250 communities in North America or can be purchased as a gift for children living in areas where there is no active PJ Library program.