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Community-Wide Lobbying

Federation engages a Community lobbyist to represent Federation and the Jewish community’s interests on public policy developments. These areas include the regulation of direct service agencies and support for the needs of vulnerable populations in the Jewish and general community.


The community lobbyist, Rusty Paul, provides weekly Advocacy Alerts during the legislative session and comprehensive updates during the middle and end of the legislative session. He also formulates political strategy and advises Federation in the areas relating to government relations to advance Federation’s ability to access government funding for the Jewish community and to influence public policy to better meet identified needs of the Jewish community. Through his role, Rusty utilizes relationships with federal, state, and local legislators to craft legislation to address needs.


Rusty served as Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations for the Housing and Urban Development Department for Secretary Jack Kemp. He was twice elected as Chair of the Georgia Republican Party and currently serves as a State Senator in the Georgia General Assembly.


For questions regarding lobbying services, please contact Andrea Deck at